Understanding Arthritis in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

If you’ve noticed your furry friend slowing down, seeming reluctant to move, or showing signs of discomfort during walks or playtime, they might be suffering from arthritis. Arthritis is a common condition in dogs, particularly as they age, and understanding its signs and treatments is crucial for ensuring your pet’s comfort and well-being.

Understanding Arthritis in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

If you’ve noticed your furry friend slowing down, seeming reluctant to move, or showing signs of discomfort during walks or playtime, they might be suffering from arthritis. Arthritis is a common condition in dogs, particularly as they age, and understanding its signs and treatments is crucial for ensuring your pet’s comfort and well-being.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis in dogs, similar to humans, refers to inflammation of the joints. This inflammation can cause pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. The most prevalent type of arthritis in dogs is osteoarthritis (OA), which involves the breakdown of joint cartilage and the underlying bone.

Arthritis Symptoms In Dogs

Identifying arthritis in dogs can be challenging since they can’t express their discomfort verbally. However, some common signs include:


• Limping or favoring one leg
• Stiffness, especially after rest
• Difficulty rising from lying down
• Reluctance to jump or climb stairs
• Irritability or changes in behavior
• Noticeable joint swelling or heat

Causes of Arthritis in Dogs

Several factors can contribute to the development of arthritis in dogs:


Age: As dogs get older, wear and tear on their joints increases.

Genetics: Certain breeds are more prone to developing arthritis due to genetic factors.

Obesity: Excess weight puts added stress on joints, accelerating joint deterioration.

Joint Injuries: Previous joint injuries or surgeries can predispose a dog to arthritis.

Infections: Joint infections (e.g., Lyme disease) can lead to arthritis.

Autoimmune Conditions: Some autoimmune diseases can cause joint inflammation.

5 Treatment Options For Arthritis In Dogs

While arthritis in dogs is not curable, several treatment options can significantly improve your dog’s quality of life:
  1. Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and pain relievers can alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.
  2. Supplements: Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements promote joint health and reduce cartilage breakdown.
  3. Physical Therapy: Gentle exercise routines and physical therapy can help maintain joint mobility.
  4. Weight Management: Keeping your dog at a healthy weight reduces stress on joints.
  5. Alternative Therapies: Acupuncture, massage, and hydrotherapy can provide relief.

Ensure Your Pet's Well-Being: Book an Arthritis Evaluation For Your Dog Today!

If you suspect your dog is suffering from arthritis, seeking veterinary care is essential. At Animal Wellness Center, with our five locations across Southeast Wisconsin, you can access comprehensive veterinary care from certified specialists. Our experienced team can diagnose arthritis through physical exams and imaging, and develop tailored treatment plans to manage your dog’s condition effectively.


Don’t delay, if you notice any signs of arthritis in your dog. Book an appointment at Animal Wellness Center today, to ensure your beloved pet receives the care and attention they deserve. Together, we can keep your dog happy, active, and pain-free for years to come.


Contact Animal Wellness Center to schedule an appointment or learn more about our arthritis treatment options.

Protecting Your Furry Friends: A Guide to Common Pet Parasites and Prevention

As pet owners, we all want to provide the best care for our beloved furry companions. However, there are unseen threats that can harm our pets if left unchecked: parasites. These tiny organisms can cause discomfort, illness, and even serious health complications for our pets

Protecting Your Furry Friends: A Guide to Common Pet Parasites and Prevention

As pet owners, we all want to provide the best care for our beloved furry companions. However, there are unseen threats that can harm our pets if left unchecked: parasites. These tiny organisms can cause discomfort, illness, and even serious health complications for our pets. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most common pet parasites and the harm they can cause, as well as essential prevention measures to keep your pets healthy and happy.

Common Pet Parasites

1. Fleas
Fleas are perhaps one of the most well-known parasites that affect pets. These tiny insects feed on your pet’s blood and can cause intense itching, skin irritation, and even allergic reactions in some animals. If left untreated, fleas can also transmit diseases and parasites like tapeworms.
2. Ticks
Ticks are another common parasite that can pose serious health risks to pets. These blood-sucking arachnids attach themselves to your pet’s skin, where they can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
3. Roundworms
Roundworms are intestinal parasites that commonly affect dogs and cats. These worms can cause vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and even blockages in the intestines if left untreated. Puppies and kittens are especially vulnerable to roundworm infections.
4. Hookworms
Hookworms are another type of intestinal parasite that can cause similar symptoms to roundworms, including anemia, weakness, and poor growth. These parasites can also be transmitted to humans through skin contact.
5. Heartworms
Heartworms are transmitted through mosquito bites and can infect the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of dogs and cats. Left untreated, heartworm disease can be fatal for pets.

Ways to Prevent Parasites in Pets

Regular Veterinary Check-ups
Schedule regular check-ups with your veterinarian to ensure your pet is healthy and parasite-free. Your vet can recommend appropriate preventive medications based on your pet’s lifestyle and risk factors.


Parasite Control Products Use veterinary-recommended flea, tick, and heartworm prevention products year-round to protect your pet from parasites. These products come in various forms, including topical treatments, oral medications, and collars.
Maintain a Clean Environment Keep your home and yard clean to reduce the risk of parasite infestations. Vacuum frequently, wash your pet’s bedding regularly, and remove any standing water where mosquitoes can breed.
Practice Good Hygiene Wash your hands thoroughly after handling your pet, especially if they have been outdoors or in contact with other animals. Trim your pet’s fur regularly to make it easier to spot and remove ticks.

Secure Your Pet's Well-being: Book an Appointment Today!

Protecting your pets from parasites is a crucial part of responsible pet ownership. By understanding the risks posed by common parasites and taking preventive measures, you can keep your furry friends healthy and happy for years to come. Remember to schedule regular veterinary appointments and use preventive medications to safeguard your pets against parasites. If you’re in Southeast Wisconsin, contact our team at one of our four locations at Animal Wellness Center to ensure your pet receives the best possible care. Your pets deserve nothing less!
Book an appointment at Animal Wellness Center to get your pet parasite prevention toolkit today!

Understanding Why Your Cat’s Breath Stinks: A Guide to Feline Dental Care

As cat lovers, we all adore our feline companions for their grace, charm, and often, their independent nature. But one thing that can quickly put a damper on that bond is the smell of their breath. You may have noticed that your cat’s breath isn’t always as fresh as a daisy, and while the occasional fishy odor might be normal, persistent bad breath could be a sign of an underlying issue.

Understanding Why Your Cat’s Breath Stinks: A Guide to Feline Dental Care

As cat lovers, we all adore our feline companions for their grace, charm, and often, their independent nature. But one thing that can quickly put a damper on that bond is the smell of their breath. You may have noticed that your cat’s breath isn’t always as fresh as a daisy, and while the occasional fishy odor might be normal, persistent bad breath could be a sign of an underlying issue.
At Animal Wellness Center in Southeast Wisconsin, we understand the concern that comes with foul-smelling cat breath. Let’s delve into some common reasons why your furry friend’s breath may not be as pleasant as you’d like, and explore the importance of feline dental care.

Common Causes of Stinky Cat Breath

1. Dental Disease:
Just like humans, cats can suffer from dental issues such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, and tooth decay. When bacteria build up in their mouths, it can lead to inflammation, infection, and ultimately, bad breath.
2. Plaque and Tartar Build-Up:
Cats are not the most diligent when it comes to brushing their teeth, so plaque and tartar can accumulate on their teeth over time. This build-up not only causes bad breath but can also lead to more severe dental problems if left untreated.
3. Diet:
What your cat eats can have a significant impact on their breath. Certain foods, especially those with strong odors like fish, can leave lingering smells in your cat’s mouth. Additionally, poor-quality diets lacking essential nutrients can contribute to oral health issues and bad breath.
3. Underlying Health Conditions:
In some cases, foul-smelling breath can be a symptom of a more serious underlying health issue such as kidney disease, diabetes, or respiratory infections. It’s essential to consult with your veterinarian if you notice any sudden or persistent changes in your cat’s breath.

The Importance of Feline Dental Care

Just like routine dental care is crucial for humans, it’s equally important for our feline companions. Regular dental care not only keeps your cat’s breath fresh but also promotes overall health and well-being. Here are a few key steps you can take to maintain your cat’s oral hygiene:

• Brushing:

While it may take some patience and training, getting your cat accustomed to regular teeth brushing can significantly reduce plaque and tartar buildup.


• Dental Treats and Toys:

There are many dental treats and toys designed to help keep your cat’s teeth clean. Chewing on these items can help remove plaque and massage their gums.


• Professional Cleanings:

Just like humans, cats benefit from professional dental cleanings performed by veterinarians. These cleanings can remove stubborn plaque and tartar that brushing alone may not address.

Book a Dental Exam for Your Feline Friend Today!

At Animal Wellness Center, we’re committed to providing comprehensive care for your beloved pets, including their dental health. If you’re concerned about your cat’s bad breath or want to ensure their dental health is in top condition, we encourage you to schedule a dental exam with our experienced veterinary team.

Don’t let bad breath sour your relationship with your furry friend. Contact Animal Wellness Center today to book a dental exam and ensure your cat’s oral health is in purr-fect condition!

Choosing Your Perfect Pet: Finding A Companion That’s Right For You

At Animal Wellness Center in Southeast Wisconsin, we understand the significance of finding the perfect pet companion that suits your lifestyle and needs. That is why we are here to guide you through practical ways to ensure you make the right choice for yourself and your family.

Choosing Your Perfect Pet: Finding A Companion That’s Right For You

Are you considering adding a new furry friend to your family? The prospect of bringing a pet into your life is exciting, but it comes with important considerations. At Animal Wellness Center in Southeast Wisconsin, we understand the significance of finding the perfect pet companion that suits your lifestyle and needs. That is why we are here to guide you through practical ways to ensure you make the right choice for yourself and your family.

Tips For Picking A Companion Pet

1. Assess Your Lifestyle

Before choosing a pet, take a moment to reflect on your lifestyle. Different pets have varying needs and energy levels. Consider factors such as your daily routine, living space, and activity level. If you lead a busy lifestyle, a low-maintenance pet like a cat or a hamster might be a better fit. For those with an active lifestyle, a more energetic kitten or dog that enjoys outdoor activities could be ideal.

2. Research Breeds and Species

Every breed and species has its unique characteristics, behaviors, and needs. Research different breeds to find one that aligns with your preferences and lifestyle. Some breeds are known for being great with children, while others may be better suited for individuals or seniors. Understanding the specific needs of a specific kind of pet will help you make an informed decision.
3. Consider Allergies:
It’s crucial to consider allergies when choosing a pet, especially if someone in your household is allergic. Some pets, such as certain dog breeds and cats, may trigger allergies more than others. Before making a decision, spend time with different animals to see if anyone in your family has an allergic reaction.
4. Adopt, Don’t Shop:
Consider adopting a pet from a local animal shelter or rescue organization. Many loving pets are waiting for their forever homes, and adoption gives them a second chance. Animal Wellness Center also supports adoption, and our team can provide guidance on local adoption resources.
5. Contact Animal Wellness Center for Expert Advice:
Before making a final decision, contact Animal Wellness Center for expert advice. Our team of experienced veterinarians can provide valuable insights into the specific needs of different pets. We can guide you on proper care, nutrition, and healthcare for your chosen companion.

Guiding You On This Journey: From Choosing the Perfect Pet to Ensuring Lifelong Wellbeing

Choosing a new pet is a significant decision that requires thoughtful consideration and planning. At Animal Wellness Center, we’re here to support you in finding the perfect furry friend for your family as well as providing comprehensive veterinary services to ensure they are in optimal health.


Whether you’re a first-time pet owner or looking to expand your four-legged family, our team is dedicated to ensuring the health and happiness of all of your pets. Book an appointment at one of our five Animal Wellness Center locations, in Southeast Wisconsin, and let us warmly welcome your new pet companion into your life.

Ensuring a Merry and Safe Holiday Season for Your Furry Friends

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. As we decorate our homes, prepare delicious meals, and exchange gifts, it’s important to remember that these festivities can present unique challenges for our beloved pets.

Ensuring a Merry and Safe Holiday Season for Your Furry Friends

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. As we decorate our homes, prepare delicious meals, and exchange gifts, it’s important to remember that these festivities can present unique challenges for our beloved pets. At Animal Wellness Center in Wisconsin, we understand the importance of keeping your furry friends safe and happy during this special time of the year.

5 Tips For Keeping Your Pets Safe This Holiday Season

  1. Decorate with Pet Safety in Mind
While decking the halls, be mindful of the decorations you use. Tinsel, ornaments, and lights can be enticing to curious pets but pose potential hazards. Opt for pet-friendly decorations and secure ornaments out of your pet’s reach to prevent accidental ingestion or injury.

2. Watch What Your Pet Eats

The holiday season is synonymous with indulgent feasts, but not all festive foods are safe for your pets. Avoid giving them chocolate, alcohol, bones, and foods containing onions, garlic, or artificial sweeteners. If you want to treat your furry friend, choose pet-friendly snacks or consult with our veterinarians at Animal Wellness Center for safe alternatives.

3. Create a Quiet Retreat


Holiday gatherings can be overwhelming for some pets, especially those who are shy or easily stressed. Designate a quiet and comfortable space where your pet can retreat to if the festivities become too much for them. Provide their favorite toys, blankets, and a bowl of fresh water to ensure they have a stress-free retreat.

4. Be Cautious with Candles and Flames

Candles and open flames are common during the holiday season. Keep an eye on your pets to prevent accidental burns or fires. Consider using flameless candles or placing traditional candles in secure holders to minimize the risk of accidents.

5. Maintain Routine and Exercise

Despite the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s crucial to stick to your pet’s regular routine as much as possible. Maintain consistent feeding schedules, regular walks, and playtime. Adequate exercise helps burn off excess energy and prevents behavioral issues.

Prioritize Your Pet's Well-being this Holiday Season with Animal Wellness Center in Southeast Wisconsin

As you prepare for the holiday season, keeping these tips in mind will ensure a safe and joyful time for both you and your pets. At Animal Wellness Center in Southeast Wisconsin, we are dedicated to the health and happiness of your furry companions. If you have any concerns or need professional advice, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our experienced veterinarians.


Let’s make this holiday season a time of joy, love, and good health for every member of your family, including the four-legged ones! Book your appointment today and give your pets the gift of wellness.

Unveiling the Silent Threat: The Importance Of Cancer Testing For Pets

In the journey of pet ownership, one of the most devastating moments can be the diagnosis of cancer in our beloved furry companions. This November marks Pet Cancer Awareness Month, a crucial time for us to shed light on this silent threat that affects countless pets every year.

Unveiling the Silent Threat: The Importance Of Cancer Testing For Pets

In the journey of pet ownership, one of the most devastating moments can be the diagnosis of cancer in our beloved furry companions. This November marks Pet Cancer Awareness Month, a crucial time for us to shed light on this silent threat that affects countless pets every year.

The Devastating Diagnosis

It’s a tough pill to swallow, but the harsh reality is that cancer doesn’t discriminate—it can affect our furry family members just as it does us. Whether it’s our loyal dogs, beloved cats, or other domestic companions, the prevalence of cancer among pets is startlingly high. Recent statistics reveal a challenging truth: about 1 in 4 dogs will grapple with cancer during their lifetime, and our feline friends face similarly distressing odds.


The diagnosis itself can be heart-wrenching for pet owners, but it’s crucial to remember that a cancer diagnosis doesn’t mean an automatic farewell to your sweet fur baby. It’s more like a challenging chapter that, with the right care, can be navigated. Advances in veterinary medicine offer hope and the possibility of a good quality of life for our pets even after a cancer diagnosis.

The Impact on Our Pets

Pet cancer can manifest in various forms, impacting different organs and systems within their bodies. Common types include:
Skin cancer
Bone cancer
Mammary gland tumors
Mast cell tumors
Soft tissue sarcoma
The symptoms of cancer may vary, making early detection challenging. Our pets cannot communicate their discomfort verbally, making it crucial for us, as responsible pet owners, to pay close attention to the following signs their pet may need cancer testing:

Changes in Behavior

Changes in Appetite


Unexplained Weight Loss

Persistent Lameness or Stiffness

Difficulty Eating or Swallowing

Abnormal Odors

Difficulty Breathing

Visible Lumps or Bumps

Changes in Bathroom Habits

Difficulty Urinating or Defecating

Blood in the Stool or Urine

Chronic Vomiting or Diarrhea

Non-healing Wounds

Sudden Inactivity or Hiding


It’s important to recognize that while these symptoms may be concerning, they are not specific to cancer and could suggest various health issues. However, we strongly recommend that if your pet is experiencing any of these issues, undergoing blood work and comprehensive testing, including cancer screening, is a wise approach. This can provide valuable insights into your pet’s health concerns, allowing for timely and thorough intervention.

The Importance of Cancer Testing

Early detection is key to successfully treating pet cancer. Routine testing can identify abnormalities and potential signs of cancer, allowing for timely intervention and a higher chance of successful treatment. Regular check-ups and screenings at the Animal Wellness Center can provide peace of mind for pet owners and contribute to the overall well-being of their furry companions.

Encouraging Pet Cancer Testing at the Animal Wellness Center

Animal Wellness Center in Wisconsin stands as a beacon of hope for pet owners seeking comprehensive care for their furry friends. Our dedicated team of veterinary professionals understands the unique bond between pets and their owners, and are committed to providing top-notch medical services, including cancer testing.


Book an appointment at Animal Wellness Center today, and invest in your pet’s health and well-being. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings are part of our holistic approach to pet care, ensuring that your beloved companions lead happy, healthy lives.

National Pet Wellness Month – The Importance Of Preventative Pet Care

At Animal Wellness Center, we understand the deep bond between pets and their owners, which is why we’re dedicated to promoting pet wellness and providing the best care for your beloved animals.

National Pet Wellness Month - The Importance Of Preventative Pet Care

October is a special time for our furry companions as it marks National Pet Wellness Month. It’s the perfect occasion to raise awareness about the importance of keeping our pets healthy and to remind pet owners to prioritize their four-legged friends’ well-being. At Animal Wellness Center, we understand the deep bond between pets and their owners, which is why we’re dedicated to promoting pet wellness and providing the best care for your beloved animals.

6 Facts About Pet Wellness


Fact 1: Preventive Care Saves Lives

Just like humans, our pets require regular check-ups to detect and address health issues before they become serious. Preventive care not only saves lives but also helps pet owners avoid costly treatments down the road. Routine vaccinations, dental care, and annual wellness exams are the pillars of preventive care that our expert veterinarians provide at Animal Wellness Center.
Fact 2: Nutrition Matters
A balanced diet is key to a pet’s overall health and well-being. Nutrient-rich food tailored to your pet’s specific needs is crucial in ensuring they receive the proper nourishment. Our Animal Wellness Center team can guide you in selecting the right diet for your pet and help you maintain their optimal weight to prevent obesity-related health problems.
Fact 3: Dental Health is More Than Just Fresh Breath
Oral health is often overlooked by pet owners, but it can have a significant impact on their pets’ overall health. Dental problems can lead to pain, infections, and even heart and kidney issues. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are a fundamental part of our pet wellness services.
Fact 4: Parasite Prevention is a Must
Fleas, ticks, and intestinal parasites can make your pet miserable and pose significant health risks. Our veterinarians can recommend the best parasite prevention measures, keeping your pet safe and comfortable year-round.
Fact 5: Mental and Emotional Well-being
Pet wellness is not just about physical health. Your pet’s mental and emotional well-being is equally important. Regular exercise, social interaction, and mental stimulation are crucial for your pet’s happiness and overall health.
Fact 6: Early Detection is the Key to Treatment
Detecting health issues early can make a world of difference in the success of treatment. Our veterinarians are trained to recognize the subtle signs of illness that might go unnoticed by pet owners. Regular check-ups allow us to catch and address these issues promptly.

Empower Your Pet's Journey to Wellness: Book An Appointment For Your Pets At Animal Wellness Center in Southeast Wisconsin

This National Pet Wellness Month, we encourage pet owners to take a proactive approach to their pets’ health. Don’t wait for your pet to show signs of illness; instead, prioritize their well-being with regular visits to Animal Wellness Center.

Our Southeast Wisconsin locations are staffed with a team of experienced and compassionate veterinarians who are dedicated to ensuring your pet’s health and happiness. We offer a wide range of services, from wellness exams to surgical procedures, all under one roof. Contact us today and take the first step toward ensuring your pet’s well-being.


Pet Sitter Education Month: Tips on Finding the Best Pet Sitter for Your Furry Friend

This September, during Pet Sitter Education Month, we’re focusing on helping you locate the perfect pet sitter for your furry companion. By following the tips below, you can travel with confidence, knowing that your beloved four-legged family member is well cared for.

Pet Sitter Education Month: Tips on Finding the Best Pet Sitter for Your Furry Friend

We all know that feeling. The one that tugs at our heartstrings when we have to leave our beloved pets behind. Whether it’s for a vacation, a business trip, or any other reason, leaving our furry companions can be a tough ordeal. But life happens, and sometimes, we need to find a loving and trustworthy pet sitter to care for them in our absence. This September, during Pet Sitter Education Month, we’re focusing on helping you locate the perfect pet sitter for your furry companion. By following the tips below, you can travel with confidence, knowing that your beloved four-legged family member is well cared for.

7 Tips For Finding The Right Sitter For Your Pets

Tip 1: Ask for Recommendations

Reach out to friends, family, and fellow pet owners for recommendations. Personal referrals can be a great way to find reliable pet sitters who have a track record of excellent care.

Tip 2: Check for Certification and Training

Ensure that your potential pet sitter is certified and has received proper training. This shows their commitment to providing the best care possible for your pet.

Tip 3: Conduct Interviews

Meet potential pet sitters in person or via video call. Ask them about their experience, how they handle emergencies, and get a sense of their personality to ensure a good match for your pet.

Tip 4: Check References

Don’t hesitate to ask for references from previous clients. Hearing about their experiences can give you valuable insights into a pet sitter’s reliability and professionalism.

Tip 5: Discuss Your Pet’s Needs

Clearly communicate your pet’s specific needs, routines, and any special instructions. A good pet sitter will be attentive to these details and follow them diligently.

Tip 6: Perform a Trial Run

Before your trip, consider having the pet sitter do a trial visit or overnight stay to ensure that your pet and the sitter are comfortable with each other.

Tip 7: Trust Your Instincts

Trust your gut feeling when choosing a pet sitter. If something doesn’t feel right or you’re not comfortable with their approach, keep searching until you find the perfect match for your pet.

Caring for Your Pet's Well-being: Your Guide to Peace of Mind

Finding the right pet sitter is crucial for your peace of mind when you have to leave your pet behind. Use these seven tips to help you locate a reliable and caring pet sitter who will treat your furry companion like family.
And when you return from your trip, don’t forget to schedule an appointment for a wellness check for your pet.. At Animal Wellness Center, we provide comprehensive veterinary services to keep your furry friend healthy and happy. From routine check-ups to preventive care, vaccinations, and more, our dedicated team is here to support your pet’s well-being!

International Cat Day: Common Health Concerns in Cats

More than just a day for cuddles and play, International Cat Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about ways to help and protect these magnificent creatures.

International Cat Day: Common Health Concerns in Cats

International Cat Day, celebrated on August 8th every year, is a purr-fect occasion for cat lovers worldwide to celebrate their feline companions. More than just a day for cuddles and play, International Cat Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about ways to help and protect these magnificent creatures. Cats are not only beloved pets but also play important roles in ecosystems, helping to control pests and providing companionship to millions of people. On this special day, we’d like to shed light on the common health concerns in cats, so you can ensure your feline friend enjoys a long, happy, and healthy life.

7 Common Health Concerns In Cats

1. Obesity
One of the most common health concerns in cats is obesity. Overfeeding or a lack of exercise can lead to excessive weight gain. Obesity can contribute to various health issues, including diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. Be mindful of your cat’s diet and ensure they get enough physical activity.
2. Dental Problems
Oral health is often overlooked in cats. Dental issues like gingivitis, periodontal disease, and tooth decay can cause discomfort and affect overall health. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices are crucial to prevent these problems.
3. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)
FLUTD encompasses a range of urinary tract issues in cats, including urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and inflammation. Symptoms may include frequent urination, straining, or blood in the urine. If you notice any signs, it’s essential to seek veterinary care promptly.
4. Parasites
Cats can suffer from both internal and external parasites, such as fleas, ticks, and worms. These parasites can cause a variety of health problems, so regular parasite prevention is vital for your cat’s well-being.
5. Respiratory Infections
Cats are susceptible to upper respiratory infections, especially in multi-cat households or crowded environments. Sneezing, coughing, and nasal discharge are common signs. Keep your cat’s living space clean and ensure they receive proper vaccinations.
6. Kidney Disease
Kidney disease is a common concern in older cats. Early detection through regular check-ups is essential for managing this condition. Increased thirst and urination, weight loss, and lethargy are potential signs of kidney problems.
7. Diabetes
Obesity and genetics can contribute to feline diabetes. If your cat shows symptoms like excessive thirst, increased urination, and weight loss, consult your veterinarian for evaluation and management.

Choose Excellence in Feline Care - Book Your Cat's Appointment Today!

At Animal Wellness Center in Southeast Wisconsin, we are deeply committed to the well-being of all animals, including our feline friends. Our team of dedicated veterinarians and staff members are passionate about providing the best possible care for your cats. We offer a wide range of services, including preventive care, dental care, vaccinations, and specialized treatments for common feline health concerns.

To book an appointment for your beloved cat at Animal Wellness Center, contact us today. Let’s ensure that your feline companion enjoys a long, happy, and healthy life.

Unleashing Summer Fun: 5 Pet-Friendly Activities in Southeast Wisconsin

July in Wisconsin is a delightful time of year when the weather is warm, and nature beckons us to explore the great outdoors. It’s also an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with our beloved pets.

Unleashing Summer Fun: 5 Pet-Friendly Activities in Southeast Wisconsin

July in Wisconsin is a delightful time of year when the weather is warm, and nature beckons us to explore the great outdoors. It’s also an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with our beloved pets. Southeast Wisconsin offers a plethora of pet-friendly activities that both you and your furry companion can enjoy together. In this blog post, we will explore five exciting summer activities to partake in with your pet in Southeast Wisconsin.

5 Summer Activities to Enjoy with Your Pet


1. Kaukauna Dog Park – Kaukauna, WI

Located in Kaukauna, the 13-acre Kaukauna Dog Park is a haven for dogs and their owners. The park features three separate grassy areas, allowing your pet to roam freely and socialize with other four-legged friends. Whether your pet loves playing fetch, exploring new scents, or simply frolicking in the sun, Kaukauna Dog Park offers a safe and stimulating environment for them to enjoy.

2. Harrington Beach State Park – Belgium, WI

Just a short drive from Milwaukee, Harrington Beach State Park offers a refreshing coastal retreat for both humans and their furry companions. The park boasts miles of scenic trails where you and your pet can hike together, taking in breathtaking views of Lake Michigan. Remember to keep your pet on a leash and bring plenty of water to keep them hydrated during your adventure.

3. Big Foot Beach State Park – Lake Geneva, WI

Nestled on the shores of Lake Geneva, Big Foot Beach State Park provides a picturesque setting for a memorable day out with your pet. Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the sandy beach or embark on one of the park’s nature trails, immersing yourselves in the region’s natural beauty. Be sure to keep your pet on a leash and pack essentials for their comfort and safety.

4. HomeGoods – Middleton, WI

While not an outdoor activity, HomeGoods in Middleton, Wisconsin, is a pet-friendly store that offers a unique shopping experience for you and your furry friend. Explore the aisles together, allowing your pet to join you in selecting their favorite toys, bedding, or treats. The staff at HomeGoods are often welcoming and accommodating to our four-legged companions.

5. Dells Boat Tours – Wisconsin Dells, WI

For a pet-friendly aquatic adventure, head to Wisconsin Dells and embark on a scenic boat tour along the Wisconsin River. Some tour companies allow well-behaved, leashed pets on board, giving you and your furry friend the opportunity to marvel at the stunning rock formations and picturesque landscapes together. Remember to check with the tour operator in advance to ensure their pet policy.

Keeping Your Pet's Health in Check at Animal Wellness Center

As we indulge in the joys of summer, let’s not forget the importance of maintaining our pets’ health and well-being. Regular wellness exams are crucial in ensuring that our furry friends are in optimal condition to partake in these exciting activities. Animal Wellness Center is here to support you and your pet’s health needs. We encourage you to book an appointment at our center to keep your pets happy, healthy, and ready for all the adventures Southeast Wisconsin has to offer.

Book an appointment at Animal Wellness Center today and embark on a summer filled with unforgettable moments alongside your beloved pet!
